Comparative Constitutional Law, Law and Religion, Public Theology, Religion and Politics, Whither Europe?

Upcoming Speaking Engagement: Conference, “Secular States Struggling with Religious Freedom,” ETF Leuven, Belgium, 4-5 May 2023

"This third international conference, organized by the Institute for the Study of Freedom of Religion or Belief (ISFORB), aims to give attention to struggles of secular states with the right to Freedom of Religion or Belief. As usual, this topic will be addressed from an interdisciplinary perspective and attention is given to both theoretical considerations and practical implications.… Continue reading Upcoming Speaking Engagement: Conference, “Secular States Struggling with Religious Freedom,” ETF Leuven, Belgium, 4-5 May 2023

Comparative Constitutional Law, Democracy, Law and Religion, Public Theology, Religion and Politics, Whither Europe?

Chapter on liberal democracy in T&T Clark Handbook of Public Theology

It was an honor to write the contribution on liberal democracy for the new T&T Clark Handbook of Public Theology. This Handbook was published during the summer and edited by Christoph Hübenthal and Christiane Alpers. Christoph Hübenthal is a Professor of Systematic Theology and Co-Director of the Center for Catholic Studies at Radboud University Nijmegen, The… Continue reading Chapter on liberal democracy in T&T Clark Handbook of Public Theology

Comparative Constitutional Law, Democracy, Dutch Politics, Law and Religion, Public Theology, Whither Europe?

Article, ‘Why Europe needs a more post-liberal theory of religious liberty’

The abstract of the article reads as follows: What is the attitude of European courts toward institutional religious autonomy? Their case law shows a mixed picture, with the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion sometimes weighing less heavily than other interests. One illustrative example is the recent ruling of the Court of Justice… Continue reading Article, ‘Why Europe needs a more post-liberal theory of religious liberty’

Comparative Constitutional Law, Democracy, Dutch Politics, Law and Religion, Public Theology, Religion and Politics, Whither Europe?

Summer reading and work in progress

Here is some of my summer reading for a new book after I finished my current list. The books stem from a list of introductory texts in natural law, Roman law, canon law, and legal history. Several other titles are on my Kindle; just Javier Hervada is rather tricky to get by here. The book… Continue reading Summer reading and work in progress

Comparative Constitutional Law, Democracy, Law and Religion, Religion and Politics, Whither Europe?

New review of book on Constitutionalism, Democracy and Religious Freedom. To Be Fully Human (2017) in Ecclesiastical Law Journal

A new review of my book on Constitutionalism, Democracy and Religious Freedom. To Be Fully Human (2017) in the Ecclesiastical Law Journal: ‘This book is an enjoyably spry reflection on the pitfalls of aggressive secularism and the atomistic tendencies of modern liberal individualism. Ten Napel deploys comparative legal method, interdisciplinary scholarship and social pluralist thought… Continue reading New review of book on Constitutionalism, Democracy and Religious Freedom. To Be Fully Human (2017) in Ecclesiastical Law Journal

Comparative Constitutional Law, Democracy, Law and Religion, Religion and Politics

Article on ‘The Significance of Communal Religious Freedom for Liberal Democracy’ in the International Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Society

The abstract of the article reads as follows: 'Leading US scholar of constitutional interpretation Michael Paulsen has developed an interesting theory of religious freedom called “The Priority of God.” Paulsen distinguishes, first of all, a liberal conception of religious freedom, according to which it is widely assumed that religious truth exists in a society and… Continue reading Article on ‘The Significance of Communal Religious Freedom for Liberal Democracy’ in the International Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Society

Comparative Constitutional Law, Democracy, Law and Religion, Religion and Politics, Whither Europe?

Chapter on ‘The Boundaries of Faith-Based Organizations in Europe’ in forthcoming Research Handbook on Law and Religion

The description of the edited volume reads as follows: 'Offering an interdisciplinary, international and philosophical perspective, this comprehensive Handbook explores both perennial and recent legal issues that concern the modern state and its interaction with religious communities and individuals. Providing in-depth, original analysis the book includes studies of a wide array of nation-states, such as… Continue reading Chapter on ‘The Boundaries of Faith-Based Organizations in Europe’ in forthcoming Research Handbook on Law and Religion