Comparative Constitutional Law, Democracy, Law and Religion, Public Theology, Religion and Politics, Whither Europe?

Coming Soon: Volume on “Culture, Secularization and Democracy. Lessons from Alexis de Tocqueville”

"Following the approach developed by Alexis de Tocqueville, this volume views democracy as a cultural phenomenon. It starts from the assumption that if we are to adequately address concerns about the current state and future of modern Western democracies, we need first to tackle the cultural preconditions necessary for the functioning of a democracy. Since… Continue reading Coming Soon: Volume on “Culture, Secularization and Democracy. Lessons from Alexis de Tocqueville”

Democracy, Dutch Politics, Law and Religion, Public Theology, Religion and Politics, Whither Europe?

Article ‘A sense of reality is required: the European People’s Party as a bridge between Tradition and modernity’

The latest edition of the Montesquieu Institute's newsletter, De Hofvijver, contains a section on 'Forty Years of the Dutch Christian Democratic Appeal,' which also includes a contribution from my hand. This contribution, entitled 'Realiteitszin gevraagd: de Europese Volkspartij als brug tussen Traditie en moderniteit,' tries to build a bridge between my earlier work as a… Continue reading Article ‘A sense of reality is required: the European People’s Party as a bridge between Tradition and modernity’